
Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

  When we start learning English, we are more children, and it becomes easier for us to memorize new words, as time goes by, learning becomesmuch more complex, where we include grammar as a base. This is a bit complex for those who find it harder to learn in writing, in my case, I feel that learning so many laws of language counts. I would prefer that in the beginning it was just strategies on how to communicate in certain cases. Like, for example, "this is what you should say in case you work in a restaurant and the customers only speak English", or "this is how you should indicate how toget to an address.  I guess it's different to learn it when you are in the place and in the context where the majority speak English. I would like to see it included in a curriculum, something like simulating everyday situations where you can dialogue openly. Well, I don't know what the English courses abroad will be like, but surely the activities that are donde together must b...

VIDEO 2: A Job I would like to do in the future


POST 4: Time Travel to the Future

  I have always loved movies, especially those in which a dystopian future appears, Where humans are immersed in the technology, there is steam for the machines that live with us, and the sunlight hardly touches the surface of the earth because of the large number of skyscreapers. Something like that we see in the movie Blade Runner. But, I imagine that this vision of the future is already in the past and we will never have a future like the one we saw in the movies of the 80's, like Back to the Future. If I could travel in a time machine, I think I would first go to the past, and see what it was like where I live today, but 500 years ago, I would like to know if it was a lonely place or if natives lived in this area. If I could go to the future, I would like to visit the International Space Station, I guess 100 or 500 years from now, I think people will be able to move on and off the planet more easily than they do now. I have always been struck by how ambitious the space race pro...

Post 3: My Dream Job

       I remember the when I was a child, I had a great affinity with animals, to this day of course. My dream has always been to study veterinary medicine. Everyone laughed and told me, when you have a pet, you will not want to be a veterinarian anymore. I didn't lose the desire, but over time I realized that I didn't have much facility for science, especially biology. But I did like to see illustrations in natural science books. I was very  struck by the sensitivity of the illustrators in representing the different species, both flora and fauna. I realized that I could draw very well from a very young age and thet I had a passion for materials, images, music and pop culture in general.That's why I decided to follow the path of the Arts and I think it would be great to work in something related to desing, publicity or illustration.  I think my ideal job would be in a company where I would be an Art or Desing director, where I would have to test materials, ...

VIDEO 1: A Subject you enjoyed at school


POST 2: The Best Concert - Rockout Festival

  I never thought this moment would come, to see two of my fvorite band at the same festival, I was very excited. The concert was on Saturday, September 3, 2016, at the Santa Laura stadium in Quilicura. It was very sunny, but there was plenty of energy for the whole day. We arrived with my friend at approximately 12:30. It was special for me to go see All Tomorrows, For the experience of seeing a Chilean band play with their own musical references, Artist of the stature of Meshuggah, a Swidish technical metal/djent band.  Well, they gave a great show. What left me speechless, was seeing Dead Kennedys, It was like seeing my grandfather on stage. They have been making music since the 70's and are very respectable musicians who marked an era in punk music. When I was a child, I dreamed of seeing Rammstein live, because he knew they were touring the world with a show full of fire, pyrotechnics and special effects. That day my dream come true and I got to see the hottest show you c...

POST 1: A country I would like to visit

A city full of art everywhere, murals and monuments, galleries, museums and very historic places. Surely there could be many such places, but I'm talking about the capital of Germany, Berlín. A destination that many would like to visit for its large number of historical processes, this has made it a very important city full of multiculturalism.  When I was younger, I started to explore different types of music, among all the groups and musical projects, I espeacially liked a german band called Kraftwerk, were precursors of electronic music. Many musical groups have been inspired by them to create music. All this made me reach a great level of admiration for Berlín pop culture. Finally,  I think this is what is most related to my career. In this city there are many art galleries and museums that can be visited, also historical sites like the Berlín Wall.  Some of my favorite Artists, like Anselm Kieffer, Olafur Eliason, Neo Rauch or Daniel Richter, currently live in Berlín...