Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme
When we start learning English, we are more children, and it becomes easier for us to memorize new words, as time goes by, learning becomesmuch more complex, where we include grammar as a base. This is a bit complex for those who find it harder to learn in writing, in my case, I feel that learning so many laws of language counts. I would prefer that in the beginning it was just strategies on how to communicate in certain cases. Like, for example, "this is what you should say in case you work in a restaurant and the customers only speak English", or "this is how you should indicate how toget to an address. I guess it's different to learn it when you are in the place and in the context where the majority speak English. I would like to see it included in a curriculum, something like simulating everyday situations where you can dialogue openly. Well, I don't know what the English courses abroad will be like, but surely the activities that are donde together must b...